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Fixing The Way NASA Listens – As Well As Communicates

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
November 22, 2006

NASA Strategic Communications Framework Validation Session Presentation

“The Office of Communications Planning (OCP) is charged with developing long-term communication strategies and plans for increasing public awareness and understanding of NASA’s mission and goals.

You are here today for the presentation of the NASA Strategic Communications Framework. We are requesting your inputs by Monday, November 27, 2006.Together, we embark on a new Communications Approach for the Agency. Today is the first step.”

Editor’s note: I have to say that I am impressed with what has emerged from this activity thus far. Of course, it is one thing to observe problems and propose solutions. It is quite another to actually implement the solutions – especially ones that require a change in culture and require years of determined effort. Stay tuned.

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.