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It Is Hard To Find The “Find Your Place in Space Week” Thing

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
April 3, 2024
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It Is Hard To Find The “Find Your Place in Space Week” Thing
Find Your Place in Space Week NASA

Keith’s note: Chirag Parikh Deputy Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary, National Space Council posted something on LinkedIn. There is something happening next week – “Find Your Place in Space Week” from 6-13 April 2024. I never got anything from NASA PAO, OSTP, or National Space Council. There is no mention of this here at NASA news or here at the NASA main page or at NASA STEM Engagement or OSTP or National Space Council. Apparently NASA TV is ignoring it. If you use NASA’s search engine there is no mention. BUT If you Google these words “Find Your Place in Space Week NASA” a page shows up – but it is hidden inside of – you have to already know about it before you search for it. The Space Foundation is holding the Space Symposium next week – a natural tie-in, right? They ignore it too. The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration, AIAA, Planetary Society, National Space Society etc. make no mention of this either. There are lots of partners on listed by National Space Council but if you go to USGS, NSF, NOAA, etc. etc. there is no mention whatsoever of this event that they are co-sponsoring. Again, you already need to know exactly what words to use to find this – otherwise, no joy since none of the obvious places even mention it. It is baffling that one part of the federal government has no idea what other parts are doing – especially NASA. All we get is a White House guy telling the space wonk community about it on LinkedIn. Here’s what Parikh posted:

We invite you to join us for Find Your Place in Space Week from April 6-13, 2024. Museums, science centers, companies, schools, organizations, and government institutions will engage with communities across the Nation to highlight all that space is, has to offer, and the benefits of space for Earth.

While the total solar eclipse will turn the Nation’s gaze to the universe above, let’s use this celestial event to also turn people’s attentions to the importance of space to their everyday lives, to Earth, and to the needs of the space sector for their expertise and talents.

Through opening our doors, we want people from all communities and backgrounds to experience space and find their place in space!

Visit the Find Your Place in Space Week website,

This website lists events planned (or being planned) in all 50 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico (200+ and counting). I hope that you can join an event and bring family, friends, colleagues, and/or classmates. If you are hosting an event, please share the information with us to be added to the list of events.

Click on the name of the state to see activities near you. The site also has an activity toolkit, online resources from across federal departments and agencies, and aa social media toolkit to help you share the value of space.

Have a great week (and remember to wear your solar eclipse glasses!)

HUGE shoutout to Dr Quincy Kissiedu-Brown, the interagency team, and our non-Federal teammates for their collaboration in organizing this effort.

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

One response to “It Is Hard To Find The “Find Your Place in Space Week” Thing”

  1. Richard Brezinski says:

    Its interesting to see how poorly NASA is reaching into the schools and to the public, especially as they’ve had at the helm for a few years a world class science/media producer. They do seem to claim ownership for Monday’s eclipse, like they orchestrated it. Of course the important space launches are now a Space X production, and the success or failure of NASAs priority Artemis program rests entirely in Elon Musk’s hands.

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