The Next Generation of Innovators
The Next Generation of Innovators, White House Blog
“President Obama today helped launch a new campaign, “Educate to Innovate,” designed to energize and excite America’s students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It builds on the President’s pledge that he would use his position to help encourage students to study and consider careers in science, engineering, technology, and innovation–fields upon which America’s future depends–and elevate those students from the middle to the top of the pack worldwide.”
Educate to Innovate
“Five leading business and thought leaders (Sally Ride, Craig Barrett, Ursula Burns, Glen Britt, and Antonio Perez) will head an effort to increase private and philanthropic involvement in support of STEM teaching and learning.”
Remarks by the President on the “Education To Innovate” Campaign
“NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden is in the house. Where’s Charlie? There he is, right there in front.”
Challenger Center Supports President Obama’s Call to Action in STEM Education
“We believe that the way to engage students in STEM education is by inspiring them,” said Challenger Center Founding Chairman, Dr. June Scobee Rodgers. “Middle school students who experience being a scientist or engineer, and who experience it successfully, are more likely to take more STEM courses in high school.”
Keith’s note: I see zero mention of this effort or how NASA intends to participate on its Education website.
Keith’s update: There is a small item at the very bottom of the front page of – you know, where no one goes. But there is still nothing at the NASA education website. It took me seconds to get something online here – I guess NASA uses super duper fancy web stuff that takes longer to operate. If this event was important enough for the White House to have a big flashy event, shouldn’t NASA show it the same level of exposure? Truth be known, it would seem that the White House gave NASA zero advance notice on this whole thing – except to make certain that Charlie Bolden was there.
Keith’s 24 Nov update: The Education page finally has a link to the White House policy. It certainly took them long enough to do this. I am still waiting for a NASA press release on this – after all, Charlie Bolden was cited by name by the President.