ISEE-3 Reboot Project Near Term Objectives
ISEE-3 Reboot Project Near Term Objectives
“In 2014 this venerable spacecraft returns to Earth’s orbit and our primary objective is to regain control of the spacecraft and command its engines to fire on a trajectory that will result in a capture into a permanent Earth orbit. Following this, we hope to return the spacecraft to science operations, using its instruments as they were originally designed. The data from the spacecraft will be open to the public and will be used by the heliophysics community and will be a tool for teaching operations and science data gathering from a spacecraft by students and the public. In the following sections we will detail the engineering objectives of the project until it is in its final Earth orbit.”
Keith’s note: We just passed $90,000. We still need to reach $125,000. Please consider helping this project at
These are all still functional devices. Let’s return ISEE-3 to Earth orbit.