Using GNU Radio to Talk to ISEE-3
How to Talk to a 36-year-old Space Probe (ISEE-3) with GNU Radio, a USRP, and a Big Dish, John Malsbury
As many of you have probably read, the ISEE-3 Reboot Project was able to successfully send uplink commands to the space craft. This was accomplished through a lot of team work, strong leadership by Dennis Wingo, and generous support from the community at large. Balint Seeber and I were fortunate enough to work on the communications for this project. When you tell most people that you designed a deep-space uplink modulator in a couple of days, there is a good chance that they will be fairly impressed.
“Communicating with a space probe using SDR: The @ISEE3Reboot Project” , presentation by Balint Seeber, Ettus Research (PDF)
Nice writeup. Would be cool to have a webpage someday with live baseband signal / spectrum and telemetry display. The DSN should have that someday too. I know they have some signal telemetry already.
yes it will…
I don’t think I noticed that very sweet logo before; was it designed for the project, and if so, by whom? Quite nice.
It was designed by Mark Maxwell, one of the best around!
If I had known you needed an enet to packet BPSK modulator, I would have contributed one.
I have a spare one in the drawer of my desk….(and no I am not kidding…)