If You Search For NASA Search Engines You Get NASA Pages That Do Not Search For Anything

Keith’s note: Do a Google search for “NASA search engine“. The first search result that comes up is NASA Multimedia Search last updated on 26 February 2006. The second result that comes up is Tools for searching last updated on 21 July 2005. Look on the left hand side of either page. Click on simple search, category search, or Advanced search and you get “404 The cosmic object you are looking for has disappeared beyond the event horizon.” Indeed the subsequent 5 or so Google search results point back to the same pages with broken links. But wait – use the search box in the upper right hand corner of either page and enter a term – any term. Guess what you get? “404 The cosmic object you are looking for has disappeared beyond the event horizon.”
Summary: if you do a Google search for NASA Search engines you get a bunch of NASA pages with links to NASA search engine pages that are actually a collection of broken links and a search box that does not search. These pages have been sitting atop Google search results without any one at NASA noticing – and the pages were last updated 15 years ago.
Oh yes: go and Google “NASA CIO” and look at the top search result. According to Google Renee Wynn is stili the NASA CIO. This is because of a web page hosted by NASA. They could easily fix this – as I pointed out months ago. But the NASA CIO seems to be utterly uninterested in the accuracy of NASA’s websites. But he is interested in making it harder for citizens to contact government employees at NASA.
Happy Thanksgiving
It has been broken for decades and cannot be repaired until funds are allocated. Maybe 2021 will be a start. Then by 2024 maybe it will be normal if ever, it may be never normal. The site are hosted by a vendor, as such no interest to repair is present. All funds are directed to the moon mission. You would think the Apollo documents would be easy to find What is old get placed in the dumpster. This is the NASA method of record management. Countless Programs are placed in the trash over and overs again.
Then the finance record is the best in the US Government for years now.
The digital record is now harder to take to the landfill now that a vendor is running the show, Cloud based
The national archive is still active, NASA records are in the archive. It is not clear how to access the records to catalog the contents. They do have physical records hardware
I have noticed people still work for NASA would have departed the agency over 10 years ago, They are on web pages to suggest you can contact them with email and phone numbers
It is not clear why NASA does this. It just does this.
every center has it own website and pages. There is no clear message other then US Government. It is not ONE NASA and never will be.
NASA DATA is for sale. Goggle, Microsoft and Amazon, Space and Earth data sets
Strange but true
That’s not really a valid search, is it? Unless somebody wrote an article about NASA search engines and posted it on a web page somewhere. The search engines themselves probably don’t have the keywords “search engine” on their pages.
Hey “guest”. Imagine that you are a regular taxpayer and you are looking to find out something about NASA so you go to Google to find out how to “NASA search engine”. Not everyone out there in the real world is a nasa.gov user.