Moon Express Names Andy Aldrin President
Dr. Andy Aldrin Joins Moon Express as its President, SpaceRef Business
“Moon Express, the ambitious Silicon Valley commercial venture aiming to be one of the first Moon resource companies, announced last night at the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference that Dr. Andy Aldrin was joining the company as its new President.
Dr. Aldrin, the son of Buzz Aldrin, is leaving United Launch Alliance, the joint venture of mega-companies Boeing and Lockheed Martin for the relative uncertainty of a small yet growing “NewSpace” company with promise but no guarantees of success.”
One of the things that most impresses me about the Apollo missions is the fact that it took a 360 foot tall monster rocket to get from the Earth’s surface to the Moon’s, but, once on the Moon, it only required the upper stage of the LEM and the Apollo Command and Service Module to go from the Moon’s surface to the Earth’s.
So, the point is, once you’re on the Moon, shipping payloads back to Earth is not at all a Herculean task. And that’s not even mentioning rail-guns and such.