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A New Low for Florida Today

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
December 16, 2004

Editor’s note:Florida Today is featuring this cartoon on their website – and presumably in their newspaper. The caption ends with Sean O’Keefe saying “please, I have to do this for me”. I just don’t get it. Someone (O’Keefe) steps down from a prominent, exciting – even powerful position, so that he can use all of his skills to earn the funds to give his children the best education he can provide – as well as spend more time with them after 4 years of earning substantially less than he is capable of earning – and spending far too much time away from home. And all Florida Today can do is mock his sincerity. How creepy – and hypocritical as well given all of the ink Florida Today gives to issues affecting the KSC workforce and their families. If I were a reporter for Florida Today I’d be embarassed to work for such a publication.

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.