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Remember the MER Rover Opportunity?

By Marc Boucher
NASA Watch
December 13, 2012
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CuriousMars: Opportunity Hunts for Clay Minerals on Matijevic HillCuriousMars: Opportunity Hunts for Clay Minerals on Matijevic Hill, A.J.S. Rayl and Craig Covault, SpaceRef
The Mars rover Curiosity has been commanding headlines with its every move from its historic, breathtaking landing last August to its first major discovery of an ancient stream bed formed by fast flowing water. In recent week’s rumors, speculation, and wild conspiracy theories about what Curiosity has found have demonstrated, if nothing else, just how much the public is interested in Mars.
Curiosity is this week zeroing in on its first drilling target, but driving downhill toward it slower than planned because of difficult terrain, said Rick Welch mission manager at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
But on the other side of the planet, the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Opportunity has been quietly soldiering on in her younger sibling’s shadows.

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.

One response to “Remember the MER Rover Opportunity?”

  1. Joshua Gigantino says:

    Oppy rolls in no one’s shadow.