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Book Reviews

Two Reviews: "My Dream of Stars" by Anousheh Ansari

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
March 2, 2010
Filed under

“I have been reading books about space since, well, since I learned how to read. Indeed this is how I learned to really read a book – since the books I had to read in school were lame. Nearly half a century later, I have read an unknown number of books that chronicle the life stories of those who have come to be involved with the exploration of space. Every book is different yet every book is the same since the paths that people took were similar and overlapping. Some came from Nazi Germany, others from small towns in America or Russia.
But until now I had not read a story of someone who aspired to touch the stars from the midst of revolution-racked Iran.”


NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.