D.O.G.E. Just Sent You An Ultimatum

Tweet From Elon Musk To Everyone.
Keith’s note: Have a nice weekend. Update: sources report that NASA Deputy Associate Administrator Casey Swails has sent out a memo that is making its way through the agency – about the OPM mass email that everyone got on saturday. She’s asking folks to pause in terms of dealing with that and that she and her team will add further information for everyone on Monday.

2 responses to “D.O.G.E. Just Sent You An Ultimatum”
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So, what if every patriotic American who opposes this administration’s unethical, illegal, racist and draconian actions were to reply to hr@opm.gov with what we did last week? They only want approx 5 bullet points.
As per your incredibly non-specific and ill-defined request, here are my five accomplishments for this week:
1) Watched Dog Man: The Movie and reflected on how its plot had more coherence than your “Dog E” antics.
2) Applied my Mar-a-Lago Orange Bronzer for that “Just got back from Mar-a-Lago” glow.
3) Tuned in to a Fox News’ interview featuring the so-called revengeful, sentient Turbo Toilet 2000 (look it up).
4) Prayed for the USA and Ukrainians.
5) Plunged my toilet after reading your mail.
If you are interested in my work accomplishments let me know.