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Personnel News

NASA Public Affairs Is Firing People

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
May 25, 2024
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NASA Public Affairs Is Firing People
Pink Slip Time?

Keith’s note: The following was sent out the other day after news of firings at NASA Public Affairs started to appear on social media (see screen grab from one fired employee below): “As many of you are aware, the spending caps enacted by Congress for fiscal year 2024 and 2025 are requiring many organizations like ours to make hard choices. We are not unique, and, unfortunately, we have had to make difficult decisions that affect some of our team. After thorough analysis and review of all available options, we are reducing some requirements at Goddard, Marshall and HQ on the eMITS and SRACES contracts. These decisions were not made lightly and do not reflect on the outstanding and tireless work of the communications team. While they will no doubt have impact, our core mission remains unchanged– we will continue to tell the incredible NASA story and inspire all to reach for the stars. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, Michelle Jones or Wes Brown with any questions or concerns you may have. Together, we will navigate these challenges. Marc Etkind Associate Administrator for Communications”


NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

One response to “NASA Public Affairs Is Firing People”

  1. Richard Brezinski says:

    I am surprised NASA can be letting people go from public affairs. NASA seems to be doing a lot less real work these days and yet tries to remain in the news by talking more. Mainly I look at human spaceflight. 15-35 years ago NASA was flying 5-10 missions and 30-70 astronauts each year. Now they fly a mission every year or two, 3-6 astronauts a year. Nothing should be more embarassing than Artemis, with a 4 billion dollar launch every 2 years and an Administrator stating as he just did that ‘NASA is just waiting for a vehicle that can carry two astronauts. Its out of NASA’s hands.’ NASA public affairs needs to spin that story. But what’s worse is that with all their public affairs people and so little real activity I think the job they are doing communicating what they’re doing is far worse now than at any time during their entire history.

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