Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project Update (LOIRP) 20 January 2009
Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project Update (LOIRP) 20 January 2009,
“We have submitted a paper to the Lunar Planetary Conference (LPSC) for presentation in March of 2009. This paper will detail the process that we used to bring the first image of the Earth as seen from the Moon back to life and the first determination of its quality as compared to the Lunar and Planetary Science database image.”
Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project (LOIRP) Progress Report 5 February 2009,
“The first machine continues to perform well. There are problems that were anticipated that we are dealing with. One of the overall reliability issues is that many electronic parts in the machine are customer Ampex hybrid circuits that are obviously not available anymore.”
NASA Restores Historic Lunar Orbiter Image
“NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate and Innovative Partnerships Program Office in Washington provided initial funding for the project. Engineering and logistics for the project team were provided by Wingo of SkyCorp, Inc., Huntsville, Ala., with donated services by Keith Cowing from SpaceRef Interactive, Inc., Reston, Va., under the auspices of Alliance of Commercial Enterprises and Education for Space, and the NASA Lunar Science Institute.”