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“Al Jazeera”
Talking About Moon Life And Moon Trash On TV
Talking About Moon Life And Moon Trash On TV

Keith’s note: Just sent this note to some folks at NASA: “I was just on Al Jazeera Arabic to talk about NASA GSFC’s Prabal Saxena comments about life on the Moon and “pollution” caused by Apollo astronauts – and how the media ran with it with their crazy headlines. I hope I set both stories straight. I am baffled, of course, as to why NASA never seems to want to talk to this vast underserved audience of hundreds of millions of people. I am told that I get called because I speak plain english (their interpreters love me – I used to be an interpreter in another language) while you people babble in acronyms and carefully guarded bland sound bites. Not expecting a reply. Have a nice day.” Audio

  • NASA Watch
  • June 13, 2023
Doing The Post-UAP Media Thing
Doing The Post-UAP Media Thing

Keith’s note: Last night I was on BBC 5 Live talking about the NASA UAP meeting (audio). This evening I was on Al Jazeera Arabic talking about the meeting and what it did – and did not say – about life in the universe, whether we have been visited, and why people are so interested in this topic. I also used my little green alien 👽 as a prop which was in keeping with the graphics on their intro piece. (audio)

  • NASA Watch
  • June 1, 2023
NASAWatch Talking Head Time on Al Jazeera TV
NASAWatch Talking Head Time on Al Jazeera TV

Keith’s note: On 8 April 2023 I appeared on Al Jazeera Arabic TV to talk about a giant black hole that is traveling through the universe and creating stars in its wake (story). Yet another TV show with an Arabic translator wherein I have to distill down a science story into words a general audience can get – via an Interpreter. Strangely You do not see NASA personnel on these networks with huge global audiences – especially when there is one Arabic speaking astronaut on the ISS and another heading up soon. You’d think that NASA PAO, SMD, HEOMD, or OIIR would want to get some soft power synergies going. Guess again. Audio.

  • NASA Watch
  • April 8, 2023
Al Jazeera: Everyone Is Going Back To The Moon
Al Jazeera: Everyone Is Going Back To The Moon

Keith’s note: I was just on Al Jazeera Arabic talking about the various countries and companies that are headed to the Moon. Sometimes there is competition. More often there is collaboration. You’ll hear me drop little doses of soft power here and there. Audio

  • NASA Watch
  • January 31, 2023
Wide Range of Reactions To Bolden's Al Jazeera Interview

Beam NASA up from this order, editorial, Post and Courier (Charleston, SC) “The president is known to be a fan of the old “Star Trek” series, which frequently moralized on the pitfalls of “imperial condescension.” Mr. Bolden may find some in the Muslim world more intransigent than a Klingon as he attempts to launch them into the space age.” NASA – no longer “The Right Stuff”, opinion, Sussex Sun “Wouldn’t […]

  • NASA Watch
  • July 7, 2010