Let’s bring logic to NASA’s budget process, Editorial, Houston Chronicle “Culberson’s and Wolf’s bill would model NASA’s budget process after that used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Doing so would make the agency less political and more professional. It calls for the president to appoint the NASA director to a 10-year term and would make the budget cycle multiyear rather than annual. The notion has Coats’ endorsement. He notes […]
NASA budget might have less space for JPL’s planetary science, LA Times “U.S. Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank) has pledged to fight the cuts, and he grilled NASA Administrator Charles Bolden about the budget request last week at a meeting of a congressional science subcommittee. Schiff was joined by several Republicans, including Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas), who said NASA’s planetary science program would not survive the proposed cut. “We’re making […]
11 September 2001: Bad news from Earth, New Moon Rising “The news from Earth that morning wasn’t good. Frank Culbertson would soon find that some of the day’s pre-planned routine would be altered. As soon as he was told of the attacks, Culbertson checked to see when they would be passing over the east coast of the U.S. Discovering that this was only some minutes away, Culbertson grabbed a camera. […]
Mistrust stalls U.S.-China space cooperation, Washington Post “Last fall, when NASA administrator Charles F. Bolden Jr. visited China to explore areas where the two countries could cooperate in space, two senior Republican members of Congress – Reps. Frank R. Wolf (Va.) and John Abney Culberson (Tex.) – wrote to Bolden beforehand to protest, saying they had “serious concerns about the nature and goals of China’s space program” and warning that […]
NASA Chief’s Trip to China Sparks Controversy, space.com “NASA chief Charles Bolden is preparing to visit Chinese space authorities. But the trip has met opposition from some lawmakers over its intent to continue a dialogue on human spaceflight cooperation between the U.S. and China.” NASA Administrator’s China visit draws congressional ire, Nature “I do not believe it is appropriate for the Administrator to meet with any Chinese officials until Congress […]
Congressional Concerns Remain as NASA Chief Prepares for China Trip “U.S. Reps. Frank Wolf of Virginia and John Culberson of Texas — both Republicans serving on the House Appropriations commerce, justice, science subcommittee that approves NASA’s annual budgets — are opposed to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden leading any collaborative talks with Chinese officials about manned spaceflight programs when he visits China Oct. 16-21. Both lawmakers have requested a briefing on […]
Culberson: NASA Decision A “Surrender”, Hotline OnCall “The Constellation program is billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule. Obama’s proposed budget, released in Feb., would cancel funding for the program. Without it, Culberson said, the U.S. will have no manned space flight capabilities in the future. “He’s shut down the whole thing. He’s proposing to cancel America’s manned space program, which is typical of this administration’s pattern of […]
General Stafford gave a general introduction and thanked members for attending. He stressed the importance of the upcoming safety and operational readiness assessment for STS-86. General Stafford explained that he was creating a Task Force Red Team, led by General Ralph Jacobson, to lead the Task Force STS-86 assessment effort to gain efficiencies due to the time constraints under which the Task Force was working. Frank Culbertson briefed the Task […]
Apr 22 1997 Valery Ryumin RSC Energiya 4 Lenin Street Kaliningrad Moscow Region, 141070 RUSSIA Greetings, Valeri! The information you have sent us recently on the Mir systems status, plans for repair, and the consumables status has been very helpful in preparing for the upcoming Flight Readiness Reviews. I would like, However, for us to be able to present a joint picture of the Russian criteria for mission continuation and […]