An immense volcanic eruption captivated the world this weekend via stunning imagery from satellites in space that flooded the Internet. As such, you'd think that @NASA would say something – like @NOAA did to show the value of space-based observation. Guess again. ICYMI @pinballme — NASA Watch (@NASAWatch) January 17, 2022
Keith’s 1 February note: The Biden White House issued an Executive order on 27 January 2021 “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” which outlines its immediate steps to deal with the threat of climate change on society and our economy in a “whole of government” fashion. As you all know, The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, lists a variety of things that NASA […]
Forget new crewed missions in space. NASA should focus on saving Earth, op ed, Lori Garver, Washington Post “After accomplishing this amazing feat, the aerospace community has again and again sought presidential proclamations to go further. President Trump is the fifth president to proclaim we will send humans to the moon and/or Mars within a specific time frame, a decree without a value proposition that has never inspired broad public […]
Hey @AGU_Eos @theAGU @AGUSciPolicy You make frequent mention of climate change and your concern for the role of science in @NASA decision making – but you do not tell your members/followers what #NASA Administrator @JimBridenstine said publicly – again – about climate change. — NASA Watch (@NASAWatch) May 25, 2018 I fought Jim Bridenstine to run NASA because he was a climate denier. He has since changed his mind, […]
Trump’s new NASA head: Humans contributing in ‘major way’ to climate change, The Hill “President Trump’s newly minted head of NASA said Thursday that climate change is happening and humans are contributing to it in a “major way.” Jim Bridenstine, a GOP congressman who was confirmed as the new administrator of NASA last month, made the comments while speaking to employees at his first town hall at NASA headquarters in […]
Reducing Climate Uncertainty, Improving Weather Forecasts, and Understanding Sea-Level Rise Are Among Top Science Priorities for Space-Based Earth Observation Over Next Decade, National Academy of Sciences “NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) should implement a coordinated approach for their space-based environmental observations to further advance Earth science and applications for the next decade, says a new report by the National Academies […]
Federal report blames humans for global warming and its effects, The Hill “An extensive report published by the federal government Friday asserts that humans are the primary driver of climate change, causing higher temperatures, sea level rise, agriculture problems and more. The report, the first volume of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, is years in the making, and involved contributions from more than a dozen federal agencies. It is meant […]
NASA’s Earth Science Mission Portfolio, NASA OIG “NASA’s Earth science portfolio adequately reflects stakeholder input, ESD’s approach to developing the Architecture Plan was reasonable, and the Plan includes missions that address all six of the Agency’s Earth science focus areas. However, due primarily to budget issues and the availability and affordability of launch vehicles, NASA has not carried out the Architecture Plan as intended and is increasingly reliant on an […]
Call to Earth: Astronauts Send a Message from Space to Global Leaders at #COP21 Urging Action on Climate “Today, as part of the 2015 U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, “Action Day” participants will view the video Call to Earth – A Message from the World’s Astronauts, featuring International Space Station Commander Scott Kelly, Flight Engineer Kjell N. Lindgren, and 16 astronauts from 6 countries urging leaders of COP21 […]
NASA: Two SLS Launches Likely Needed For $3 billion+ ARM, earlier post “At today’s Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) telecon, I asked Lindley Johnson via Webex “Can you show the chart again that has SLS as a launch option for the ARM spacecraft? Does this mean TWO SLS launches needed – one for ARM and another for crew?” He confirmed that yes, there will be two SLS launches – one […]