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Weapons Of Mass Destruction Have Sent Us To The Stars
Weapons Of Mass Destruction Have Sent Us To The Stars

That Time Wernher von Braun’s Rocket Tried To Kill My Father “Humanity now lives in space permanently. Our spacecraft have left the solar system. Our space telescopes look back to the beginning of time. We are spacefarers. Space technology has its roots in weapons of war. America’s early accomplishments in space were achieved with direct use of Nazi technology and personnel. Russia followed a similar path. Today North Korea, Iran, […]

  • NASA Watch
  • November 11, 2019
More Opposition to ICBM's as Satellite Launchers
More Opposition to ICBM's as Satellite Launchers

Space Angels Network Opposes ICBM Amendment to the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, SpaceRef Business “On Sunday the Space Angels Network released a letter in opposition to Mike Lee’s amendment to the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act which would allow the commercial use of ICBM’s. The primary arguments are that the amendment would benefit one company and hurt the burgeoning small satellite commercial launch market.” Previous: – Hearing Discusses Using […]

  • NASA Watch
  • June 13, 2016
Hearing Discusses Using Old ICBMs As Satellite Launchers
Hearing Discusses Using Old ICBMs As Satellite Launchers

Space companies feud over what to do with rockets in ICBM stockpile, Washington Post “Orbital ATK wants to unearth the dormant missiles and repurpose them to launch commercial satellites into orbit. Russia has released its Soviet-era ICBMs into the commercial market, the company argues, so the Pentagon should be allowed to sell its unused ICBMs as well. But to do that, Congress would have to ease a 20-year-old restriction that […]

  • NASA Watch
  • April 19, 2016
More Solid Rocket Food Fights
More Solid Rocket Food Fights

Industry Jockeys Over ICBM Motors For Commercial Space Launch, Defense News “Newer companies generally use liquid-fuel rocket technology, considered more cost-effective for certain missions. It only makes financial sense to build a commercial version of a launch vehicle fueled by solid ICBM rocket motors if the US government pays the majority of the cost, argued Richard DalBello, Virgin Galactic vice president for business development and government affairs. “I have heard […]

  • NASA Watch
  • April 11, 2016
North Korea Launched Something into Space
North Korea Launched Something into Space

USSTRATCOM Detects, Tracks North Korean Missile Launch into Space, USSTRATCOM “OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, Neb. – U.S. Strategic Command systems detected and tracked what we assess was a North Korean missile launch into space at 6:29 p.m. CST. The missile was tracked on a southerly launch over the Yellow Sea.” Highlights and Initial Thoughts From The DPRK Launch, Arms Control Wonk “You can also expect the US and South Korea […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 7, 2016