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“Jose Hernandez”
Jose Hernandez is Not an Astronaut. Wow. Who Knew. (Update: He Is)

Candidate challenged over ‘astronaut’ title, The Fresno Bee “Hernandez’s attempted use of ‘astronaut’ violates the Election Code’s unambiguous requirement that a candidate’s ballot designation reflect one’s current profession, vocation, or one held during the previous calendar year,” the lawsuit states. … The suit notes that Hernandez reported to the clerk of the House of Representatives that he received $150,000 from work as the “executive director for strategic operations” with MEI […]

  • NASA Watch
  • March 30, 2012
Jose Hernandez, Social Media, and Politics

Keith’s note: Why is a former NASA astronaut (i.e. employee) allowed to pose on his campaign website wearing the NASA logo? The last time I checked NASA was rather strict about the use of its logo – especially in situations where affiliations or endorsements might be implied by its use.And why is Hernandez using the same Twitter account – @Astro_Jose – with which he attracted over 200,000 followers when he […]

  • NASA Watch
  • October 11, 2011