Concept to Implementation in as Little as Six Months “The National Laboratory Office sponsored some payloads that went into orbit in as little as 6 months, but that is not the norm at this time. A developer is already in the assembly process on their end for the payload, rather than in the development stage of their idea. An amazing turnaround like this is for known re-flight science, not for […]
Keith’s 14 Feb note: At the ISS National Laboratory Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Public Day on 10 December 2010, Mark Uhran said that the CAN would be released on 14 January 2011. According to Uhran letters of intent would be due on 14 February 2011, proposals due 4 March 2011, with an award in May 2011. The CAN was released on Monday, 14 Feb – one month late. The release […]
Keith’s note: NASA held a ISS National Lab Public Day CAN meeting on 10 December 2010. The purpose was to explain the pending Cooperative Agreement Notice and how interested parties should structure their proposals. The main speaker was NASA’s Mark Uhran, Assistant Associate Administrator for ISS at NASA SOMD. At one point Uhran bragged that he had “written 5 papers” on discoveries that had been made on the ISS, but […]
NASA Supplemental Information: Competitive Acquisition of Cooperative Agreement for ISS National Laboratory Management Entity “The information provided below supplements prior postings at the official procurement web site in specific areas of high interest to potential bidders. Any additional questions related to this supplemental information should be directed to the procurement website for formal written response.” Keith’s 27 Dec note: Full document with editor’s notes below: Link to Contract Study: ISS […]
Keith’s note: NASA held a ISS National Lab Public Day CAN meeting on 10 December 2010. The purpose was to explain the pending Cooperative Agreement Notice and how interested parties should structure their proposals. The main speaker was NASA’s Mark Uhran, Assistant Associate Administrator for ISS at NASA SOMD. At one point Uhran bragged that he had “written 5 papers” on discoveries that had been made on the ISS, but […]
Keith’s note: NASA held a ISS National Lab Public Day CAN meeting on 10 December 2010. The purpose was to explain the pending Cooperative Agreement Notice and how interested parties should structure their proposals. The main speaker was NASA’s Mark Uhran. It is quite clear that while NASA is going through the motions of trying to expand the user base for its portion of the International Space Station, that it […]
Release of NASA Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice – ISS National Laboratory Management Entity “The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Operations Mission Directorate is releasing a draft version of the future Cooperative Agreement Notice for the ISS National Laboratory Management Entity.” Public Day for a ISS Cooperative Agreement Notice “The Public Day will be held on Friday, December 10, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the NASA […]
Reference Model for the International Space Station, U.S. National Laboratory “In response to the recent GAO recommendations and White House direction, SOMD reviewed all prior studies and elected to commission an independent assessment by an objective third party. ProOrbis, LLC was selected to conduct the assessment based on two factors: (1) ProOrbis is a management consulting firm specializing in the re-positioning of sophisticated high technology assets for maximum value generation, […]
NASA Solicitation: Public Day for a Future Cooperative Agreement Notice “NASA/HQ is holding a Public Day for potential Proposers on the planned acquisition of an entity to develop and manage the US share of the ISS as a national laboratory. The acquisition will result in the award of a Cooperative Agreement. The Public Day will be held on Friday, December 10, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the […]