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NASA Praises a Spinoff That It Has Already Dumped

NASA Spinoff 2012 Features New Space Tech Bettering Your Life Today NASA Spinoff 2012 (PDF) “Curry agrees: “In the future, you can envision almost all computing being done in the cloud, much of which could be powered by OpenStack. I think that NASA will need to receive significant credit for that in the history books. What we’ve been able to do is unbelievable– especially when you remember that it all […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 13, 2013
NASA Continues To Ignore Its Own Good Stuff (Update)

Paragon’s NASA Funded Technology Now Used in Mine Refuge Chambers “This is a great example of NASA investment fostering entrepreneurial activity in other markets” said Phil McAlister, director of NASA’s Commercial Spaceflight Development in Washington. “The technology was developed as part of an effort to stimulate the private sector to develop commercial space transportation concepts and enable capabilities for future commercial support of human spaceflight with U.S. taxpayer dollars and […]

  • NASA Watch
  • October 2, 2012
NASA Improves Its Tech Transfer Portal

Open For Business: NASA Launches New Technology Transfer Portal “In an effort to accelerate technology transfer from NASA into the hands of American businesses, industry and the public, the agency’s new Technology Transfer Portal is open for business. NASA’s Technology Transfer Portal provides an Internet-based one-stop front door to the agency’s unique intellectual property assets available for technology transfer and infusion into America’s new technology and innovation-driven economy.” Keith’s note: […]

  • NASA Watch
  • June 20, 2012
NASA's Technology Transfer Continues To Be Uncoordinated

Right on schedule yesterday NASA LaRC posted 3 (not 2, not 4) of these Technology Transfer Opportunities. – NASA Technology Transfer Opportunity: Thin High Contrast Targets for Ultralightweight Structures – NASA Technology Transfer Opportunity: High Density Optical Storage System – NASA Technology Transfer Opportunity: New Probe for Detecting Deep Flaws in Structures Keith’s note: A week or so ago, I submitted some questions to NASA and Rich Atcliff at NASA […]

  • NASA Watch
  • May 1, 2012
NASA Technology That Can't Link To Itself

Keith’s note: NASA Office of the Chief Technologist has no link to NASA Tech Briefs. NASA Tech Briefs does not link to NASA OCT. In fact, I did a search of the source HTML code on the NASA Techbriefs home page. There are no links to anything at whatsoever. Yet this page features the NASA logo. Baffling.

  • NASA Watch
  • April 25, 2012
More Stealth NASA Spinoffs (2nd Update)

Keith’s 25 Jan note: No mention of these tech transfer opportunities at NASA OCT. No mention at LaRC Technology Gateway (but they mention LENR/cold fusion), No mention at NASA TechBriefs. Unless one reads the Federal Register, all of these nifty NASA spinoffs and discoveries just go unnoticed. – NASA Technology Transfer Opportunity: Quick Change Ceramic Flame Holder For High-Output Torches – Technology Transfer Opportunity: Real-Time Interferometric Fiber Optic Bragg Grating […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 21, 2012
Is Earthbound Innovation Outpacing Microgravity Research?

Bioreactors Drive Advances in Tissue Engineering, NASA Spinoffs 2011 “Johnson Space Center innovators created a rotating wall bioreactor that mimics microgravity conditions, allowing for healthier, more natural-forming cell cultures. Licensed to Synthecon Inc. of Houston, the technology now enables drug development and medical research into treatment for conditions such as diabetes and cancer.” New method makes culture of complex tissue possible in any lab, University of California – San Diego […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 9, 2012
Free PR That NASA CTO Ignores

Keith’s note: Too bad that NASA OCT does seem to know how to feature – or at least make people aware of – articles like this – and do so in real time. Articles like this on prominent blogs such as Gizmodo point to the true potential – and real spinoffs – that NASA has already created – ones that await promotion and full utilization. Gizmodo gets 5.9 million page […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 8, 2012
Today's NASA Spinoff/Invention/Cool Gadget That NASA is Ignoring

This Is NASA’s Cancer-Sniffing Cellphone Sensor, Gizmodo “What if you could use your phone to test the air for toxins? What if you could monitor your health simply by blowing on it? Sounds amazing, right? Nanosensor technology developed by NASA Ames is going to make that a reality.” Keith’s note: NASA Ames PAO worked with Gizmodo to generate this article – and others – as part of their “SpaceCamp” series […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 2, 2012
Another NASA Spinoff That NASA Won't Tell You About

Space researchers develop ultrasound technology that detects, treats kidney stones, NSBRI “Just the mention of kidney stones can cause a person to cringe. They are often painful and sometimes difficult to remove, and 10 percent of the population will suffer from them. In space, the risk of developing kidney stones is exacerbated due to environmental conditions. The health risk is compounded by the fact that resource limitations and distance from […]

  • NASA Watch
  • February 1, 2012