PETA to hold protest at NASA Ames against monkey experiment, SJ Mercury News “Six demonstrators plan to be in front of NASA Ames’ main gates at noon today, carrying signs that read “No Tax $ for Animal Abuse” and “Stop Radiation Tests on Monkeys,” according to a PETA statement.”
PETA Protests NASA Plan to Radiate Monkeys, Scripps Howard Foundation Wire “A man in an astronaut suit stood outside the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Thursday morning. Normal enough, given the contents of the building before him. But he was not promoting an exhibit, nor was he affiliated with the museum. He and a group of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals activists were brandishing signs and distributing […]
PETA Calls On Space Agency to Ground Cruel and Wasteful Tests and Use 21st Century Research Methods Instead, PeTA “Wearing monkey masks while locked inside small cages and holding signs that read, “No Tax $ for Animal Abuse,” and “Stop Radiation Tests on Monkeys,” six PETA members will lead a protest outside the headquarters of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)” When: Thursday, November 19, 11 a.m. Where: Outside […]