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Two New NASA Human Spaceflight Reports Ignore One Another
Two New NASA Human Spaceflight Reports Ignore One Another

Keith’s note: In case you did not already notice, the 9th floor at NASA HQ issued these two reports on human spaceflight strategy in less than a week – and yet neither one mentions the other – even thought they overlap and cross-enable. Right? Nor does NASA make any effort to link them together. Why bother. Gotta take all that use-or-lose vacation time.

  • NASA Watch
  • December 16, 2024
Another NASA Strategy Report That Recycles The Previous Strategy Report
Another NASA Strategy Report That Recycles The Previous Strategy Report

Keith’s note: According to yet another year-end report issued a few days before the Biden folks on the 9th floor at NASA HQ packs up their offices: NASA Finalizes Strategy for Sustaining Human Presence in Low Earth Orbit which says: “The final framework includes 13 goals and 44 objectives across seven key areas: commercial low Earth orbit infrastructure, operations, science, research and technology development for exploration, international cooperation, workforce development and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) engagement, and public engagement.” etc. etc. This “strategy” (it is not a strategy BTW) simply does what every single report like this before has done: it changes dates to reflect cost overruns/program delays since the last report; re-words the same goals and objectives etc. that the last report contained; and simply reflects an endorsement of the status quo. No imagination, no new ideas, just the same old, same old. Yawn.

  • NASA Watch
  • December 16, 2024
The 2nd Machine Age and Strategy for Civil and Military Space
The 2nd Machine Age and Strategy for Civil and Military Space

Video: U.S. Strategy for Civil and Military Space, Center for Strategic and International Studies “Sean O’Keefe, former Administrator of NASA, and General James Cartwright, former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will have an easy chair discussion moderated by Dr. John Hamre, President and CEO of CSIS, on U.S. strategy for civil and military space.” Marc’s Note: General Cartwright and Sean O’Keefe provided some perspective and insights to […]

  • NASA Watch
  • May 12, 2015