Review of Foreign National Access Management at NASA
NASA: An lndependent Review of Foreign National Access Management
“Over the last year, security incidents involving foreign nationals at NASA research Centers have drawn the attention of the NASA Administrator and other agency leaders, Congress, and the media. Recognizing the growing threat of cyber-attacks and espionage aimed at government agencies by hostile nation-states and foreign adversaries, NASA asked the National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) to conduct this review of its foreign national management processes.”
Rep. Frank Wolf Statement On Independent Report Critical Of NASA’s Security Protocols
“Frankly, I was taken aback at the breadth and depth of security challenges identified across NASA and I am deeply disappointed the agency has restricted access to the report. The report should be made public as soon as possible, with any necessary redactions in the interest of national security, because it confirms not only the serious security challenges that need to be addressed, but a persistent organizational culture that fails to hold center leadership, employees and contractors accountable for security violations. This must change.”
Frank Wolf – the man who had the innocent Asia man leaving the USA arrested?
Frank Wolf – the man who had NASA’s database of documents taken off line and damaged? NASA is still trying to repair it.
NASA’s biggest security problem is probably Representative Frank Wolf. His actions are either grossly incompetent or malicious. He should not only be barred from NASA sites but physically removed from any committees controlling NASA.
So you don’t think NASA has a problem with their security protocols or foreign national access?
They have a big problem. The procedures for access by foreign nationals are far too arcane, slow, cumbersome and time-consuming to be practical in an age when both commercial and scientific spaceflight is international, while at the same time providing no added security over the visa procedures foreign nationals have already completed to enter the US. This is just one of the factors that make US commercial spaceflight uncompetitive. But good luck trying to get anyone to take responsibility for the delays and inefficiency. It’s all justified by the word no one can question, “security”.
very true, the hoops we have to jump through for a foreign national to just get them on site especially when they could go over to space center houston and get the same tour in some cases without issue is pretty frustrating. if certain areas are cleared for SCH tours why do I still need a 30 day background check to take a person onsite to those same areas if they are coming to talk about potential working with us.
It’s not just foreign nationals, everyone has to be escorted at GSFC for example, and if your host has to duck out for a personal errand you have to go off base too. Idiocy.
I did not say that.
NASA’s bigest security problem is the man making the false alarms. Similar techniques as Nightwatch used on Babylon 5.
That was so long ago in the 29th century though. Time moves on.
This problem goes back years. Even the Martians have infiltrated and have reached middle management levels – at least! At first, they tried to ignore Uncle Martin. By now, he is, as you can see, an accepted member of the MSL project team, fielding questions and the like.
Rep Wolf said, “It is my understanding that NASA intends to move forward on implementing many of the recommendations included in the report“.
And the report says, “The Panel is sensitive to the budget situation NASA faces and has tried to keep most of its recommendations within achievable budget limits although some may prove to be resource-intensive.“
So, in the name of national security, a justification that they so often cite for their activities, I’m sure Congress will rush through a bill to provide the necessary funding to ensure that these recommendations can be implemented. Right, and I’m Doris Day.