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NASA 2.0.2

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
November 26, 2008

Netroots Nation: Progressive NASA and Space Policy Under a New Administration (video) (PartI) (Part 2)

NASA Presidental Transition Action Item Log

69. Information Transparency – List the agency’s major information dissemination activities (in reports, on web sites, etc.). Describe how the agency decides what information to publish on the Internet and on paper. Identify the agency officials who manage these decisions and to whom they report. Note: OCIO and OP may have inputs

70. Key Data – Provide the following information about the agency’s collection and dissemination of information:
(1) Identify information that has been collected in the agency, but is not currently available to the public via the web (e.g. ethics disclosure forms are not online).
(2) Identify information that is not yet collected, but could be collected, and disseminated to the public to improve programs or operations.
(3) Identify agency data that are published in open, structured, machine-readable formats.
(4) Identify key agency data that the CTO or CIO believe ought to be made more transparent and accessible.

71. Open Government – Identify any ways in which the agency conducts its business in the open (e.g., televised or webcast meetings, posting of travel and meeting schedules online).

72. Cyber-Security and Privacy – Identify the agency officials who have primary responsibility for 1) cyber security policies and practices and 2) privacy policies and practices. Identify to whom these officials report.

73. Public Participation Practices – Identify forms of consultation the agency uses, other than notice-and-comment rulemaking, for consulting scientists or other experts and consulting the public (e.g. Federal Advisory Committees, Science Advisory Boards, Negotiated Rulemaking). Identify existing ways in which a citizen can contribute to agency work via the Internet.

74. Transacting with the Public – Identify ways in which the agency transacts business with the public online (e.g., submission of benefits applications, account management, applications for licenses, online tax and regulatory filings).

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.