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Is Trump Going To A Rocket Launch?

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
February 16, 2017
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Reader note from Kevin “I noticed a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) over Melbourne that looks identical to the TFR’s over Palm Beach International the last two weekends for Trump’s stays at Mar-a-Lago. The Melbourne TFR matches the SpaceX launch window suggesting POTUS will be viewing the launch. I wonder if POTUS will then announce a new space policy to return to the moon from Pad 39a, but this time with commercial rockets. See for details on the TFR’s”
Keith’s note: When I asked NASA PAO they said that Trump is not attending a launch but that he will be “close”.

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

7 responses to “Is Trump Going To A Rocket Launch?”

  1. Michael Spencer says:

    Launches are far too unreliable to attract the Prez. I’d go up to the Cape more often myself- I’m only about 4 hours away- but they just scrub too often.

    • fcrary says:

      How far is Melbourne from KSC? If it’s under an hour’s drive (or helicopter flight, assuming you had one) a clever person might find a reason to be near KSC at the time of a launch and make an unscheduled side trip if the countdown got to minus sixty minutes. I know I’d do something like that.

      • Michael Spencer says:

        About an hour to KSC from Melbourne. Probably 30-40 minute to someplace you can see the launch. Much closer as the crow flies.

  2. John Thomas says:

    Tump will be in Melbourne FL Saturday which isn’t too far from KSC.

  3. Jeff2Space says:

    President Trump won the election in November. It’s February. Why is he having a rally in the first place? Ugh. Our tax dollars at work…

  4. USAJosh says:

    Announce to return to the moon from pad 39A? I don’t think President’s decide which launch pad missions are launched from or tell private companies what their destinations will be. Nice try though.