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Election 2012

Election 2012 and Space

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
January 3, 2012
Filed under

Where the candidates stand on space in 2012, SpaceReview
“The 2012 presidential campaign seems like it has been going on for months, if not years, but today it really starts to count. Tonight thousands of Iowans will gather at caucus meetings across the state to select delegates in the first electoral event of the campaign, to be followed a week later by the first primary, in New Hampshire. The various speeches, debates, ads, and media interviews in the months leading up to now have allowed the candidates to discuss a wide range of topics, from the economy to foreign policy to social issues. But what about space?”
More on Election 2012 and space

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

One response to “Election 2012 and Space”

  1. DTARS says:

    I very much agree with Mr. Gingrich here. Sorry but with each passing day the more I thinkĀ Nasa is bad for HSF.
    Mr. Obama doesn’t need florida after the electon and he may just do the right thing again and cancel SLS.

    Mr. musk wants to be on mars in 10 to 20 years šŸ™‚

    He can do it in 20 if not stopped by the SYSTEM

    Can congress and NASA stop him???