Shields Up! NewSpace Is Under Attack
NewSpace Is Under Attack, Space Frontier Foundation
“NewSpace is under attack; and, we urgently need your help to fight back! Two weeks ago former astronaut and associate administrator, Scott “Doc” Horowitz, apparently taking a page from Dan Brown’s DECEPTION POINT, seemed to find a hidden political conspiracy by “a few people in the administration who want to kill Ares I and put all the money in commercial”. It’s entirely a coincidence that Horowitz used to work for ATK, maker of the Ares solid rocket motors. Last week, when Time magazine declared Ares “The Best Invention of the Year,” we seized the offered hook to strike back and do a little truth-saying, congratulating NASA on its propaganda triumph, adding to our earlier insistence that Ares needs a death panel.”
One-Off Rockets, earlier post
More Infighting Among The Faithful, earlier post