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COVID-19 Cases At Blue Origin (Update)

By Keith Cowing
NASA Watch
April 6, 2020
Filed under
COVID-19 Cases At Blue Origin (Update)

Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space venture says three workers in Kent have tested positive for coronavirus, Geekwire
“Three employees at Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space venture have tested positive for coronavirus and are now in quarantine, a spokeswoman for the company says. One case came to light on Friday, and two other cases were confirmed over the weekend, said Linda Mills, Blue Origin’s vice president of communications.”

NASA Watch founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.

3 responses to “COVID-19 Cases At Blue Origin (Update)”

  1. Ignacio Rockwill says:

    Keith, any takes on the Verge article about Blue Origin insisting engineers fly to Van Horn from Kent to conduct the NS test flight?

    • fcrary says:

      That’s been reported by several media sources. The details of the reports differ somewhat, and they come from anonymous employees who attended a meeting which discussed staffing for the next flight of New Shepard (presumably among other things.) I haven’t seen a clear response from Blue Origin about these reports.

      • Ignacio Rockwill says:

        I’m only familiar with The Verge article – I think Ars and Geekwire basically linked to that. Am I missing a report?