Media Finds A Reason To Whine About Extending The Life of Hubble
Keith’s note: At one point in the media question portion of the NASA/SpaceX/Polaris Dawn Hubble Reboost study briefing, there was a wet blanket media question about “rich people looking for something to do in space.” Odd: when someone of wealth pays to restore a landmark, add an art museum or hospital wing, or underwrite a PBS series – its great. But when it comes to a historic science instrument in space – one with decades of potential life left in it, well its all about “rich people looking for something to do”. Gimme a break.
4 responses to “Media Finds A Reason To Whine About Extending The Life of Hubble”
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That was NPR, home of the entitled media. Worse than the words was the tone, which was dripping with condescension. Disgusting.
I wonder how they’d have reacted if part of the proposed deal was for a privatised Space Telescope Institute to take over all operational costs? Would they celebrate ending a draw on public funds and complain more about the dreaded rich people doing stuff with their otherwise-stagnant wealth?
Doers do, non-doers carp, apparently. This sort of thing has happened for every major advance. If it had overtaken events at the time of the Transcontinental Railroad, invention of the airplane, development of the automobile, etc. we would still be using horses and buggies or walking.
Stupid is what stupid does. And that question asked was stupid and I am not surprised.