Keith’s note: We just passed the $112,000 point in our crowd funding campaign – 90% We started 27 days ago with nothing. We still need to reach $125,000. Please consider helping this project at Our large transmitter is undergoing final assembly. Our software defined radio hardware was delivered to ISEE-3 Mission Control last week – more information here: Ettus Research Helps Power ISEE-3 Reboot Effort On 10 August 2014 […]
ISEE-3 Reboot Project Near Term Objectives “In 2014 this venerable spacecraft returns to Earth’s orbit and our primary objective is to regain control of the spacecraft and command its engines to fire on a trajectory that will result in a capture into a permanent Earth orbit. Following this, we hope to return the spacecraft to science operations, using its instruments as they were originally designed. The data from the spacecraft […]
ISEE-3 Reboot Project Technical Update 1 May 2014, Dennis Wingo “Today is May 1, 2014, the 17th day after we started our RocketHub project to raise $125,000 to allow us to attempt to contact, evaluate, and command the International Sun-Earth Explorer-3 (ISEE-3) spacecraft to fire its engines in such a way as to return it to Earth orbit after a swing-by of the Moon on August 10 2014. Today I […]
To Save A Satellite, Former NASA Guy Takes Crowdfunding To Space, NPR All Things Considered story “ISEE-3/ICE is a satellite that was once used to monitor space weather, but it’s been unused for decades. NASA doesn’t want to spend the money to bring it back to life, but Cowing and his colleagues are determined to do it. If they can raise $125,000 on a crowdfunding site called RocketHub, Cowing says […]
These 2 guys are trying to salvage a 35-year-old spacecraft … and you can help, Blastr “The International Sun/Earth Explorer 3 probe was originally launched in 1978, and in the decades since it has studied solar winds and magnetic fields and even flown through the tail of Halley’s comet in 1986. NASA used the craft for all kinds of studies over the years, until it was decommissioned in 1999.” Can […]
How to Resurrect a 35-Year-Old Spacecraft, Popular Mechanics “Wingo and Cowing started a RocketHub crowdfunding effort to raise $125,000 for the mission. They’ve also been hunting for the right parts to get the communications systems back online. “I was Dumpster diving at a storage unit with Bob Farquhar last week, pulling stuff out of boxes, and I FedExed a $200 overnight box to California,” Cowing says. And like they did […]
Keith’s update: We REALLY Need this document: GSFC Document ISEE-733-74-001, Revision C, dated 28 June1976 “International Sun-Earth Explorer – A/C, Electrical Interface Specification”. Does anyone have a copy? Keith’s note: We have had multiple folks ask if we have any received data telemetry tapes from ISEE-3 or the others in the series (ISEE-1 or ISEE-2). If anyone has any of these tapes it would be incredibly useful as we could then feed […]