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Misleading KSC Video

By Marc Boucher
NASA Watch
July 13, 2012
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RESOLVE rover short for Regolith and Environment Science and Oxygen and Lunar Volatiles ExtractionResolve Rover Begins Testing, NASA KSC
Marc’s note: With the Shuttle retirement the Kennedy Space Center has been active in promoting itself and what it can offer. That’s good and as it should be. However its latest video promoting a rover “NASA is developing” at KSC is misleading in that it does not mention once its partner in the project, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The video makes it sound like it’s an all NASA project being worked on at KSC. Most of the video was shot during a media opportunity last month at KSC which included CSA personel, one of which appears in the video. Currently the RESOLVE mission is in Hawaii conducting tests on Mauna Kea through July 20. What is the CSA contributing? Well here’s the list:
– The Artemis Junior terrestrial rover will serve as the semi-autonomous mobile platform for payloads, including NASA instruments designed to prospect for water ice and other lunar resources; Destin, a versatile onboard drill and sample transfer system; and Q6 Stack, an avionics suite consisting of a powerful, low-mass and low- power hybrid processors and interface modules, which will control the RESOLVE system.
Whoever wrote the script at KSC PAO has some explaining to do.
Earlier press releases:
Rover’s Exploration May Lead to Deep Space, NASA
The Canadian Space Agency and NASA Test Lunar Technologies, Canadian Space Agency

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.

4 responses to “Misleading KSC Video”

  1. Andrew_M_Swallow says:

    Please make sure that the RESOLVE rover can climb down from the Morpheus lander.  It may just need a longer ramp that unfolds.

  2. Andrew_M_Swallow says:

    A solar powered lunar rover – that sounds like a useful device.  I hope they can change the payload.

  3. Monroe2020 says:

    Never send a Rover to do a m…. nevermind.

  4. bobhudson54 says:

    I believe this project has been on the drawing boards of NASA for several years and has been passed back and forth between companies as if its a hot potato.
    Its another example of how NASA can’t decide what’s good for the program.