Unvaccinated NASA Civil Servants Can Be Fired

Federal workers can be fired for refusing vaccination, but must show up to work until their cases are determined, new guidance says, Washington Post
“Federal employees can be fired for refusing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, but as their disciplinary cases wind through the system, they will report to work alongside vaccinated colleagues, according to Biden administration guidance issued this week. The new guidance to implement a vaccine mandate for the government, which Biden announced last week, represents a reversal of the strategy the White House coronavirus task force pushed in August for those employees without shots who refused under an earlier plan to get regular testing for covid-19.”
Frequently Asked Questions, Safer Federal Workforce
There are some that say almost all of those that die from covid-19 were about to retire anyway. A very grim opinion from those who work in the agency, and being over 60 myself makes me feel these people are those who I cannot trust.
“Some say” is a classic straw man argument construction, distracting from the actual subject at hand while saying nothing of value.
People who are vaccinated have far lower chances of serious disease from SARS-CoV-2. That is well-established by actual data from multiple countries. Universal vaccination is the logical science-driven course for institutions and societies. One would expect no less from NASA and we all should demand it from our governments.
The way I read the comment he is against that way of thinking, in fact saying people who have that opinion should not be trusted. It reminds me in some ways of people who aren’t bothered by the high death rate from COVID-19 in nursing homes. It’s a point of view that ranks the value of human life based on productivity. Grim indeed, and cold and heartless in many ways.
The wording is convoluted to the point where I wasn’t really sure what was being said.
I had a tough time expressing my thoughts (that’s why I don’t run NASAWatch or get called for media interviews). I find it very disturbing when people suggest covid-19 will get rid of “old space” and those that die from covid-19 are old anyway so who cares. With this crisis we have to deal with covid deniers like we have to deal with moon hoaxers and flat earthers. 30 years ago such thinking was unheard of.
And one of you wrote something like cannot imagine people work for a organization like NASA but question the science behind vaccines, masks. and social distancing.
I wonder if civil servants over 65 will be required to show proof of having received a booster shot? Or just the first 2 shots.
I’m surprised that unvax’d employees aren’t under suspension (unpaid?) whilst awaiting judgement of their discipline. I’m surprised that there’s any deliberation … what alternative discipline (other than firing) is there ??
It is like getting searched before flying … you can choose not to, but then you’re choosing not to fly.
How any people refuse vaccines for rubella, measles, polio, meningitis, etc ?
Strange the Post Office is exempt, as well as federal contractors unless their company madates it. The whole Biden decision is full of holes but that isn’t unexpected.
Federal contractors are absolutely not exempt. NASA on-site contractors as well as off-site vendors will have to comply even if 100% remote. Guidance has been surprisingly clear on this policy – it is an EO and you will follow it, period.
As I understand it, the Post Office will be covered under the “large employer” rule that OSHA is going to roll out, but their union has already said they will fight it. Postal Workers are not civil service, so the initial mandate doesn’t apply.