Apollo 1

NASA Unveils Tribute to Crew of Apollo 1
“A new tribute opened Friday, Jan. 27, 2017, at the Apollo/Saturn V Center at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, dedicated to the lives, accomplishments and memories of the three astronauts who perished 50 years ago in a launch pad fire while training for the flight of Apollo 1. The tribute exhibit stands only a few miles from the long-abandoned Launch Complex 34, the launch pad where the fire took place. The pad was dismantled in 1968 after the launch of Apollo 7.”
‘We have a fire in the cockpit!’ The Apollo 1 disaster 50 years later, Washington Post
“The fire made NASA personnel more aware and focused on “quality control,” said Charlie Duke, another astronaut. [Walt] Cunningham, who was on the backup crew, said it didn’t really change him as an astronaut, but “may have given me a little bit more mental commitment to not go along with some of the things on the design, and what-have-you.” After the fire, Sieck said, personnel did speak up more. “There was a lot more questioning of, ‘well, please explain this to me,'” Sieck said. “‘I see what’s here, I hear what you’re saying, but tell me more. I don’t totally understand it.'” It was a lesson NASA would have to learn again after the space shuttle Challenger disaster. And again after the space shuttle Columbia disaster.”
Keith’s note: Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson will re-introduce Bipartisan Apollo 1 Memorial Act today at 2:00 pm ET toay. Additional co-sponsors are needed. Spread the word.
Additional Cosponsors Sought For Apollo 1 Arlington Memorial Legislation, earlier post
May their good and noble sacrafices not have been made in vain. God-Speed All.
It is good to see the 50th anniversary is remembered and that NASA is doing a tribute to the fallen heroes.
My wife and I visited the Grissom and Chaffee grave sites at Arlington this afternoon. There was a slow but steady trickle of visitors coming by to pay respects on the 50th anniversary, mostly baby boomers who remember what we were doing that day when we heard the news. The roses with yellow ribbons came from an anonymous friend in Australia. Gus and Ed and Rodger are not forgotten today.
I’ll be at Arlington on Tuesday and will visit their graves. Never forget.
We also need to remember Challenger. If nothing else it is good to see the president pay tribute to those astronauts.