Are We All Martians?
‘We are all Martians’: Chemist’s otherworldly claim stirs debate, NBC
“Is Benner’s story too kooky to believe? One thing’s for sure: Benner is not a kook. He was one of the first chemists to voice skepticism about the claims for arsenic-based life, which stirred up such a fuss in 2010. … This time, the wet-blanket role is filled by David Grinspoon, an astrobiologist from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Grinspoon, who’s spending a year doing research at the Library of Congress, says that he’s a “huge fan” of Benner’s, but that his extraordinary claim isn’t sufficiently supported by the evidence.”
New Research Supports Theory That Life Started on Mars, Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology
So, when pressed for comment, Imperial Martian representative Marvin (Pictured), was quoted as saying:
“Weeeelllll, if true, that just means that, de facto, we can legally claim your planet in the name of Mars!!! Errrrrr….. Isn’t that lovely? HmmmmMMM?!”
So does this validate the “Ancient Astronauts” theory, by default đŸ˜‰ Only one way to know about Benner’s claim, as well as Hoagland’s ‘Face’ and ‘Monuments’ I suppose, is to send a crew of scientists to Mars. While I support robotic space exploration, a human touch can offer the definitive answers. NASA officials should use this as a pretext to justify a mission to Mars to the American people rather than being dismissed as something far-fetched. Only through public goodwill and support will pressure be applied upon politicians to finance HSF beyond earth and lunar orbit.
“Ah, but these so-called “scientists” are in on the NASA conspiracy.”
Better to send the conspiracy claimants themselves. The heirs of Hoagland. “Here, go look for yourself”. And they are, at the very least, expendable, making them an ideal test crew.
[I’m not including Benner as one of “them”.]
Panspermia. A theory that’s hard to disprove. Or prove, for that matter, without a lot more data.