Review: Passage To Mars, SpaceRef “Passage to Mars” is a documentary about a bunch of guys who try to drive across a large frozen stretch of the Northwest Passage. They attempt this feat (in part) as an analog for long distance traverses people will one day attempt on Mars. This film depicts important lessons that are often far more relevant for the actual human exploration of Mars than anything NASA […]
Devon Island Journal 20 July 2003: Arctic Memorials and Starship Yearnings “Given the sheer mass of the structure, and the slow manner with which things change here, this inukshuk may well be standing 500 years from now. That should be long enough. Maybe someone serving on a starship will think to visit it.” Devon Island Journal – 18 July 2007: Ancient Memorials for Modern Space Explorers “To the friends and […]
Twin inukshuks on Devon Island. On the left is the Challenger Inukshuk on the right is the memorial to a member of the Columbia crew. NASA Haughton-Mars Project Space Shuttle Columbia Inukshuk Memorials “To honor the memory of the seven astronauts of Space Shuttle Columbia’s last flight, and at the suggestion of our colleague Keith Cowing of SpaceRef, the NASA Haughton-Mars Project (HMP) has established seven astronaut memorial sites on […]
Live Webcams On Devon Island, 1 June 2010 “There are several webcams currently in operation on Devon Island in Support of the Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse located at the HMP Research Station. The greenhouse was installed on Devon Island in the summer of 2002. These webcams update once a day, conditions permitting, through the greenhouse’s autonomous systems using an MSAT satellite connection. One webcam is pointed north at the greenhouse […]
Mars Institute “Moon-1” Humvee Rover reaches Devon Island, High Arctic “An international team of researchers led by Mars Institute scientist Dr. Pascal Lee successfully reached Devon Island, High Arctic, on Sunday, 16 May, 2010 after a 13-day, 150 km vehicular journey from Cornwallis Island to Devon Island, along the fabled Northwest Passage.” Driving to Devon Island Across Sea Ice, earlier post
Mars Institute team to complete Arctic sea-ice drive along fabled Northwest Passage to reach “Mars on Earth” “An international team led by Mars Institute scientist Dr. Pascal Lee will depart the Arctic community of Resolute Bay today aboard the Moon-1 Humvee Rover on a sea-ice crossing expedition. The team is headed for the Haughton-Mars Project Research Station (HMPRS) on Devon Island, High Arctic, a remote outpost dedicated to space exploration […]