AIP FYI Number 1: January 6, 2011 Of Note: Selected Quotations from FYI in 2010 “I will never be able to save all the jobs.” – NASA Administrator Charles Bolden when commenting on NASA’s human space flight proposal “We were living a hallucination . . . I don’t think we would have ever gotten there.” – Administrator Bolden when commenting on NASA previous budgets “We will find a solution to […]
Letter From NASA Administrator Bolden to Rep. Wolf Regarding China “Thank you for your letter regarding my planned travel to China later this month. As we discussed during our recent meeting, I greatly value your advice and direction on this matter, and I can assure you that I fully appreciate the concerns you have raised in your letter. In preparation for my visit, and in our planning for a subsequent […]
“John P. Holdren, the President’s Science Advisor and Director of the U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy was asked to clarify the Administration’s space-science priorities during the AAAS Forum on Science and Technology Policy. The question related in particular to sending humans back to the moon. His response was offered 13 May 2010.”
Keith’s note: The witnesses for todays’s hearing: Holdren, Bolden, Armstrong, Cernan, and Augustine. ESMD AA Doug Cooke briefed Armstrong and Cernan last week via telecon on the results of NASA’s internal exploration working group studies in advance of today’s Senate hearing. Keith’s update: Prepared statements: Charles Bolden, John Holdren, Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernan, Norm Augustine Keith’s update: Gene Cernan testified that he had a telecon last week with Bolden and […]
House Appropriators Grill Obama’s Science Adviser on NASA Plan, SpaceNews “Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas) accused Holdren of not consulting senior NASA personnel on the decision to terminate the Constellation program. “Your associate administrators and field center heads were not even told of the final details of the plan to cancel Constellation until just a couple of days before its release,” he said. Holdren denied the accusation. “They were consulted early […]
Keeping the U.S. in the space race, letter, John P. Holdren and Charles Bolden, Washington Post “Charles Krauthammer was badly off target in his Feb. 12 op-ed, “Closing the new frontier,” on the Obama administration’s plans for the U.S. space program. As the blue-ribbon Augustine Committee concluded last year, the Bush plan, not the Obama plan, would have left the United States a loser in space. Despite valiant efforts by […]