ESPN Writer Compares a Football Game Loss to the Columbia Disaster
Despite Boise’s loss, non-AQs belong, ESPN
“Maybe you saw the fireball over the Sierra Mountains. If you were on the East Coast, it happened at about 1:52 a.m. on Saturday and in full view of the locals and whomever else stayed up to watch Nevada At Night on ESPN.
We can now confirm that the flames came from Boise State’s heat tiles as the Broncos re-entered the earth’s atmosphere. Parachutes did not deploy on the BSU capsule.”
Marc’s note: I love football as anyone who knows me can attest to but imagine my shock when reading the first two paragraphs of this story. What was the writer thinking, seriously? It was more than distasteful, it is extremely disrespectful. Seven astronauts lost their lives on Columbia on February 1, 2003. To my knowledge no one died playing the football game last night. Sorry folks, I’m not one to rant, but the ESPN writer of this story, Gene Wojciechowsk (GenoEspn on Twitter), needs to apologize in my opinion.