NASA OIG: NASA’s Security Management Practices “While overall security policy and oversight are managed by OPS at the Agency level, implementation and funding of protective services operations remains a responsibility of Center leadership who used their resources to pursue Center- based priorities. As a result, OPS authority is marginalized and Centers, at times, develop and implement strategies that conflict with the intent of Agency directives. As part of MAP, OPS […]
Keith’s note: From [email protected]: “Me and my colleagues are out of work during this shutdown with no prospect for ever getting back our lost wages. The federal government has a hard time recruiting people in my field because of a large salary difference with private sector companies. We choose a career with federal agencies because we believe in the mission of protecting the United States. NASA is going to lose […]
Follow-up Evaluation of NASA’s Implementation of Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, NASA OIG “Although NASA has taken steps to implement our prior recommendations, we continued to identify inconsistencies in the Agency’s application of CNSI policies and procedures that led to improper marking of classified documents. This occurred because of insufficient identification and training of classifiers. Further, implementation of the Agency’s self-inspection program was not fully effective because NASA […]
help @AnoushehAnsari? My NASA security clearance was rejected b/c I'm a foreign national of a state that supports terrorism! I'm Canadian. — Sara Mazrouei (@MazroueiSara) May 31, 2016
Keith’s 11 Aug update: Sources report that the person (referenced below) who was told that they could not attend the JPL Planetary Science Summer School has now been told by NASA HQ that they can attend after all. Keith’s 7 Aug 10:11 am note: The following is posted in a Closed Facebook page “Young Scientists for Planetary Exploration“. The group has 1,549 members. I was made aware of this issue […]