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Let’s Kill The Space Station And Not Tell People What It Actually Did
Let’s Kill The Space Station And Not Tell People What It Actually Did

Keith’s note: It would seem that none of International Space Station Research & Development Conference (ISSRDC) will be webcast. No mention whatsoever is made on their website. No mention of any webcast is made at either. NASA recently issued a contract to destroy the International Space Station. Not even bothering to webcast this event – which supposedly exists to promote and explain all that the ISS has done – is too much for CASIS or NASA to bother setting up. No one at NASA seems to care since they all have Artemis Go Fever. As such, the 300+ million U.S. taxpayers who put billions into this amazing resource aren’t entitled to learn what NASA did with all their money or why ISS needs to be splashed. The scheduled death of the ISS is not even on the meeting’s agenda. And of course, as Artemis delays mount, NASA will come back for more money without ever truly explaining why they are throwing this astonishing resource away or why they need to build another space station out near the Moon to support missions are moving ever further into the future. And then NASA’s Administrator has the audacity to whine and complain that China may beat the U.S. back to the Moon. DUH, Bill. China has a plan and they stick to it. NASA does not. Update: CASIS sent me a note: “While we are not actively promoting the livestream component to the conference yet (similar to last year), it will be made open to the public during the event. We will promote the livestream component for those not able to physically attend in a media advisory prior to the conference. Additionally, there will be social pushes during the event driving the public to the livestream.”

  • NASA Watch
  • July 2, 2024
NASAWatch on TV: Boeing Starliner, SpaceX Starship, and China On The Moon
NASAWatch on TV: Boeing Starliner, SpaceX Starship, and China On The Moon

Keith’s note: I did CNN this morning talking about the Boeing Starliner launch, SpaceX Starship, and China’s lunar exploration plans (and my reaction to how NASA Administrator Bill Nelson characterizes them). [Audio] I then did live launch coverage on Bloomberg Radio/Youtube, and then I did a quick interview with BBC World Service [Audio]. I also talked again to Deutsche Welle [Audio].

  • NASA Watch
  • June 5, 2024
More NASAWatch on TV
More NASAWatch on TV

Keith’s note: I was just on Deutsche Welle talking about the return flight of China’s Chang’e-6 sample return mission. [Audio] I am booked to appear on CNN tomorrow (Wed) morning to talk about Boeing’s Starliner CFT-1 mission, China’s Chang’e-6, and SpaceX’s fourth flight of StarShip. And then I will be on a bit later on Bloomberg to do live launch coverage. Lots of spacey news items this week.

  • NASA Watch
  • June 4, 2024
Space Diplomacy Week: NASAWatch on CGTN
Space Diplomacy Week: NASAWatch on CGTN

Keith’s note: In case you missed the tweets from almost every single American embassy and the U.S. State Department – it is #SpaceDiplomacyWeek. I was on CGTN this evening – trying to be diplomatic – talking about the return of the Shenzhou 17 crew, China’s Tiangong space station and the International Space Station, what happens when astronauts return from a long space mission, and future human missions to the Moon. [Audio]

  • NASA Watch
  • April 30, 2024
NASAWatch on TV: Lunar Mission Updates
NASAWatch on TV: Lunar Mission Updates

Keith’s note: Japan successfully landed its SLIM spacecraft on the Moon this morning. However there seems to be a problem with its solar panels which are not charging its batteries. This may have to do with the panels’ orientation to the sun after landing. Unless that can be rectified the spacecraft can only operate for a matter of hours before its batteries are drained. SLIM did deploy its two small rovers and efforts are being made to see if any data has been collected. One of the rovers has responded. I was on CGTN a few minutes ago to talk about SLIM as well as the end of Astrobotic’s Peregrine mission to the Moon which returned to Earth the other day after a propulsion system failure prevented a lunar landing. I was also asked about former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin’s slam against NASA’s Artemis program. [audio]

  • NASA Watch
  • January 19, 2024

Keith’s note: On Wednesday evening I appeared on CGTN to talk about the launch of a cargo spacecraft to China’s Tiangong and the future of the Chinese space station program [audio]. A few minutes later I appeared on the Scripps TV network and all of its affiliates talking about Astrobotic’s peregrine and sending humans back to the Moon. [audio].

  • NASA Watch
  • January 18, 2024
Reality Check For The Whole Commercial Space Ecosystem Thing
Reality Check For The Whole Commercial Space Ecosystem Thing

Keith’s note: According to this little gem that was tossed online after hours on a Friday NASA Adjusts Agreements to Benefit Commercial Station Development “We continue to see an immense amount of dedication from our partners,” said Angela Hart, manager of Commercial Low Earth Orbit Development Program at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.“The agency is committed to continuing to work with industry with the goal having one or more stations in orbit to ensure competition, lower costs, and meet the demand of NASA and other customers.” Uh huh. Since when has NASA lowered the cost – of anything? This whole ISS vs Gateway/Artemis vs Orbital Reef vs Starlab vs Axiom vs Russia vs China vs Congress with regard to space stations is all going to result in an inelastic collision – soon. To some extent this announcement is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The money is simply not there for everything, competing priorities are inherently non-synergistic, and in place of a coherent, national strategy – one that takes these things into account in a realistic way – we have a short-term, seat of the pants, ad hoc, fake it until you make it, free for all. Something has got to give since neither the money or a clear policy path are on the horizon. And the warning signs – if they are even apparent – will be ignored until it is too late. And expecting the National Space Council to do anything substantive is simply naive in the extreme. Oh then there’s the whole 2024 election thing and the fact that NASA has no idea when the moon walking resumes and … Just sayin’

  • NASA Watch
  • January 6, 2024
More Talking Head Time With NASAWatch
More Talking Head Time With NASAWatch

Keith’s note: I just did an interview on CGTN and was talking about the year ahead in space – space stations, Moon, Mars – and cooperation in the exploration of space. I mentioned the fact that I was watching a space station EVA clip on social media the other day and was initially confused as to what part of the ISS the astronauts were on – and then I realized it was China’s space Station. How cool – I was confused because there are TWO modern space stations in operation. More please. We then discussed the fact that more than half of humanity has never seen humans walking on another world – live – and for them this will be doing the same thing again for the first time – with more people experiencing this for the first time than watched all of the Apollo landings. I also mentioned the fact that U.S. researchers can now submit proposals to study China’s lunar samples. I then noted that one way great nations can cooperate in space is in great endeavors like space exploration – perhaps the greatest endeavor of them all. [Audio]

  • NASA Watch
  • January 4, 2024
NASAWatch On CGTN: Breaking Some News About Chinese Moon Samples
NASAWatch On CGTN: Breaking Some News About Chinese Moon Samples

Keith’s note: I was on CGTN tonight talking about China’s space activities. [Audio] The discussion touched on newly-announced collaboration between China and Egypt. I mentioned that NASA recently announced that U.S. researchers are now free to submit requests for samples from China’s Chang’e 5 lunar sample return mission. Apparently I broke a little news tonight according to CGTN. NASA’s 29 November 2023 email to researchers announcing this opportunity is below:

  • NASA Watch
  • December 14, 2023
Is Bill Nelson On The Same Page As Joe Biden Regarding China?
Is Bill Nelson On The Same Page As Joe Biden Regarding China?
  • According to the Daily Mail ‘The China-U.S. relationship has never been smooth sailing and always faces problems of one kind or another,’ Xi said through a translator as he met Biden. ‘Yet it has kept moving forward amidst twists and turns. For China and the United States, turning their back on each other is not an option. It is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other, and conflict and confrontation has terrible consequences for both sides. Planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed.’ Biden said “We have to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict and we have to manage responsibly that competition,’ Biden told his counterpart. ‘That’s what the United States wants and what we intend to do. I believe that’s also what the world wants from both of us. ‘We have a responsibility to our people and the world to work together when we see it in our interests to do so. The critical global changes we face from climate change, narcotics to artificial intelligence demand us to work together.”
  • Meanwhile NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has been quoted in Politico as saying “It is a fact: we’re in a space race,” the former Florida senator and astronaut said in an interview. “And it is true that we better watch out that they don’t get to a place on the moon under the guise of scientific research. And it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they say, ‘Keep out, we’re here, this is our territory.’” He pointed out that Russian cosmonauts operate the International Space Station side by side with NASA astronauts, and that they frequently trust each other with their lives. And on CTV Nelson said “We built the International Space Station with the Russians. What a contrast, with the Chinese government,” Nelson said. “They are secretive, they are non-transparent. They will not share when Earth is threatened by one of their tumbling rockets coming back in, they will not share their trajectories, so it’s a huge difference in the way we approach our civilian space program with the Russians visa vie the Chinese.”
  • It would seem like Bill Nelson has been off on his own hawkish path with regard to China while being extra tender with regard to Russia (with whom we are fighting a proxy war) while the White House (and seemingly Beijing) are moving in the opposite direction than Nelson’s Cold War-ish rhetoric. Is Nelson out of touch – or is this a ‘good cop/bad cop’ game that the Administration is using Nelson for?
  • NASA Watch
  • November 15, 2023
Do The Artemis Accords Have A New Competitor?
Do The Artemis Accords Have A New Competitor?

Shri Vinay Kwatra, India’s Foreign Secretary: “With regard to the BRICS space consortium, second question, also cooperation in space. Look, there is already a BRICS Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation which was established by BRICS during India’s chairmanship. Space is a domain in which we have been very forward leaning in offering our capacities in a cooperative framework with other countries. So, for example, India has SAARC satellite which we built essentially for the South Asian Association of Regional Countries. BRICS, as I said, BRICS Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation and the Space Exploration Consortium that we have proposed will essentially take that as a base layer and build on it. Now, obviously, for any such concept to be successful, it has to address the priorities which each of the BRICS countries would have. So, the relevant working groups of the BRICS which would deal with this would look into this aspect, identify its elements and the space of cooperation in space, in the field of space or space in the field of space is actually so extensive. It’s so, I would say, productive in terms of how we integrate the capacities in the space with our own economic endeavors. This can be a very, very promising area of cooperation and something in which, as I said, India has always been forward leaning in terms of offering its capacities.” Transcript of Special Briefing by Foreign Secretary on Prime Minister’s visit to South Africa and Greece (August 24, 2023) — More news below.

  • NASA Watch
  • August 27, 2023
India Moon Landing Interviews On DW And CGTN
India Moon Landing Interviews On DW And CGTN

Keith’s note: I did an interview with Deutsche Welle about Chandrayaan-3. They aired an intro piece before me where they talked with a family in India and their children’s reactions to the landing and I almost had tears in my eyes since, as I said in my interview that was me as a little boy. [DW Audio]. I also did an interview with CGTN talking about how the Moon is a place that everyone can and should visit. [CGTN Audio]

  • NASA Watch
  • August 23, 2023
A Methane/Oxygen Rocket Makes It To Orbit
A Methane/Oxygen Rocket Makes It To Orbit

Keith’s note: I spoke with CGTN tonight about the launch of LandSpace’s ZQ 2 / Rosefinch 2 – the first rocket to put a payload into space using Methane/Oxygen engines and the various missions heading to the south pole of the Moon. [Audio]

  • NASA Watch
  • July 14, 2023
There Were Lot Of People In Space On Tuesday
There Were Lot Of People In Space On Tuesday

Keith’s note: On Tuesday I was on Bloomberg radio (audio) talking about China’s space program and global space efforts. With the arrival of Shenzhou-16 there are 6 people on Tiangong. Later in the day I was on CGTN (audio) talking about China’s ambitions including human missions to the Moon. With the AX-2 crew on ISS I counted 10 faces. Now they are headed back to Earth. So I guess that means we had 16 17 humans in orbit for a while today – and at time of this posting – they were in 3 different spacecraft. Its getting busy up there.

  • NASA Watch
  • May 30, 2023
Bill Nelson Is Worried About A Chinese Moon
Bill Nelson Is Worried About A Chinese Moon

Keith’s note: I am trying to wrap my head around this thing that NASA Administrator Senator Bill Nelson keeps saying. Is the State Department putting him up to this? They do not seem to be doing any arm waving about it. Just Nelson. Oddly I do not seem to see anyone else saying it – except in some articles in China who think that America is trying to do the same thing in reaction to Bill Nelson making these claims.

According to ‘We’re in a space race’: Nasa sounds alarm at Chinese designs on moon published by the Guardian “The US is locked in a space race with China and the country needs to “watch out” that its rival does not gain a foothold and try to dominate lunar resources, Nasa’s top official has warned. The assessment came from the Nasa administrator, Bill Nelson, a former astronaut and Florida senator, who went on to warn that China could eventually claim to “own” the moon’s resource-rich areas.The contest between the US and China, he added, was intensifying and the next two years could determine which country achieves an advantage. “It is a fact: we’re in a space race,” Nelson told Politico. “And it is true that we better watch out that they don’t get to a place on the moon under the guise of scientific research. And it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they say, ‘Keep out, we’re here, this is our territory.’

  • NASA Watch
  • January 3, 2023
NASAWatch On TV Again
NASAWatch On TV Again

Keith’s note: I just appeared on the CGTN program “The Heat” with Prof. James Head, Yansong Xu, and R Ray Wang. to talk about the year in space for China and other nations. Lots of talk about the value of international cooperation in space. Audio file below. There is also a video clip of my response to the issue of the value of international cooperation.

  • NASA Watch
  • November 28, 2022