EmDrive, a Supposed Fuel-less Engine, Is Knocked Down Again, Gizmodo “Five years ago, NASA researchers experimented with an object called the EmDrive (or electromagnetic drive), a Y-shaped metal chamber in which, they reported, thrust could be produced without propellant. Such a contraption would refute core principles of physics as we know them and eliminate a huge barrier to deep space travel by nullifying the need to carry fuel. … If […]
NASA engineer’s ‘helical engine’ may violate the laws of physics, New Scientist “Burns has worked on his design in private, without any sponsorship from NASA, and he admits his concept is massively inefficient. … I know that it risks being right up there with the EM drive and cold fusion,” he says. “But you have to be prepared to be embarrassed. It is very difficult to invent something that is […]
Measurement of Impulsive Thrust from a Closed Radio-Frequency Cavity in Vacuum. AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power “This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. … The team would like to thank NASA for organizational and institutional support in the exploration and analysis of the physics in this paper.” Keith’s note: Congratulations, Ellen! You have funded the […]
EmDrive: Nasa Eagleworks confirms paper on controversial space propulsion is under peer review, International Business Times “The Eagleworks Lab is NOT dead and we continue down the path set by our NASA management. Past that I can’t say more other than to listen to Dr Rodal on this topic, and please have patience about when our next EW paper is going to be published. Peer reviews are glacially slow,” Eagleworks […]
‘Impossible’ propellantless engine appears to work despite breaking laws of physics, Sydney Morning Herald “Ridiculed as impossible by the scientific community, the electromagnetic propulsion engine – which could supposedly take a craft from Earth to Pluto in just 18 months without the need for rocket fuel – has apparently been confirmed by an independent scientist as working.” Keith’s note: Once again English-language tabloids 1,2,3 with nothing better to do than […]
Keith’s note: With regard to the Eagle Works EmDrive “warp core” research underway at JSC, NASA HQ PAO has told NASAWatch: “While conceptual research into novel propulsion methods by a team at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston has created headlines, this is a small effort that has not yet shown any tangible results. NASA is not working on ‘warp drive’ technology. “However, the agency does fund very fundamental research […]
Is NASA one step closer to warp drive?, CNET “NASA, according to NASASpaceFlight.com, is quietly claiming to have successfully tested a revolutionary new means of space travel that could one day allow for such insane speed, and to have done it in a hard vacuum like that of outer space for the first time.” Has NASA Accidentally Invented The Warp Drive?, Huffington Post “NASA has been experimenting with a revolutionary […]
Just heard Harold White talk @NASAAmes about his warp drive research. None of what he does @NASA JSC has any oversight or real "peer" review — NASA Watch (@NASAWatch) August 12, 2014 Keith’s note: If Harold White’s warp drive research is so exciting why won’t NASA openly talk about it? Why aren’t REAL experts in the field raving about it? It would be entertaining (and no doubt embarrassing) to watch […]
Don’t Get Too Excited About NASA’s New Miracle Engine, io9 “Earlier this week, Wired reported on an unusual engine designed and tested by researchers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Dubbed the “Cannae drive,” the propulsion system is similar to the so-called EmDrive, a “reactionless” engine proposed years ago by british engineer Roger Shawyer and popularized in a 2006 writeup in New Scientist. Both space drives are designed to convert electric […]
NASA’s real life Enterprise may take us to other star systems one day, Gizmodo “Dr. Harold “Sonny” White is still working on a warp drive at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Their work is still in the experimental stages but that doesn’t mean they can’t imagine already what the real life Enterprise ship should look like according to their math. You’re looking at it right now.” What an Enterprise! NASA physicist, […]