Everyone At NASA And Its Contractors Must Be Vaccinated
Biden to announce that all federal workers must be vaccinated, with no option for testing, AP
“President Joe Biden on Thursday will impose more stringent vaccine rules on federal workers, and take steps to encourage private businesses to do the same, during a major speech meant to lay out a new approach to combating the coronavirus. Among the steps the President will take is signing an executive order requiring all federal workers be vaccinated against Covid-19, with no option of being regularly tested to opt out of the requirement, according to a source familiar with the plans. The President will also sign an executive order directing the same standard be extended to employees of contractors who do business with the federal government. The Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Indian Health Service and National Institutes of Health will also complete their previously announced vaccination requirements, which the White House estimates covers 2.5 million workers.”
– White House COVID Plan, White House
– Executive Order on Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors, White House
– Executive Order on Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees, White House
Good! Barring a valid medical reason not to, people need to get the damned shot. I received the Moderna mRNA vaccine very early on and only had a sore arm for few hours.
Robert Reich posted “serious question”. I’d say with adequate resources to answer questions & concerns, sure. But despite the Trillions $$$ we pour into such endeavors as the Middle East Campaigns / Nation Building, prepare for the knee-jerk reaction; “No we can’t”. The new American “CAN’T DO” Spirit. What bothers me, is the U.S. Republic’s supposed principles of enlightenment & liberty, being met with immediate derision, scorn, almost cultish blowback. Terry, I had the Johnson 1 and done shot. It left me drained & I slept for a full day, but no problem. But how do we meet our brethren with trust issues? Do we ever allow for options such as viewing the vaccination under a microscope before injection? Just curious your thoughts. Rest assured, I’ll fall in line for whatever my Uncle Sam deems necessary.
Do we ever allow for options such as viewing the vaccination under a microscope before injection?
Why? I mean a tracking device for cats or dogs is the size of a grain of rice. Do you really think anyone has the technology to make tracking devices smaller than that? If they could they’d be making a fortune selling to the pet industry, but they patently are not. ergo such a technology does not exist. Never mind the fact that a tracking device so small you can’t see it defies physics.
What is hilarious is to hear people worrying about tracking devices in vaccines while they have their cellphones on them 24/7/365 which track all manner of things.
It wasn’t my intention to interject some sort of nonsense paranoia into the thread. I confess I am out of my league commenting here. I’ll try to make better, more clearly worded comments in the future. I’ve grown somewhat complacent, due to spacenews allowing me to crack jokes. Hope you’ll pardon me.
Vaccines are given with a 22 to 25 gauge needle. A 22 gauge needle’s inner diameter is about 0.41 mm – smaller than a 1 mm microchip. What is it you are looking for – a tracking chip smaller than .41 mm? Just asking.
What I am looking for is ways to get people on board, ways that add transparency, and perhaps even improve safety, quality control, accountability, etc. Its academic to me, many people (like my dear Aunties) merely pull rank, & I can’t argue with them!
Not to mention a 5G wavelength is 1mm to 10mm long, so for an antenna to receive and send signals it would have to be a minimum of one quarter of the longer wavelength, so 2.5mm. Not going to fit that in a vaccine needle.
Details details 😉
Not actually true for antennas – note that bluetooth uses 2.45 GHz, wavelength about 12cm, yet there are lots of bluetooth devices that are much smaller than 3cm – like the little dongle for a wireless mouse, or the BT module in wireless ear buds.
So the premise would be that hundreds of millions of chips were produced for this clandestine project. And then the chips have to be inserted into hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine. It’s not possible at the manufacturing level because the vaccine is packaged into vials that contain multiple doses. So this means that the chips would have to be inserted directly into the syringe at the tens of thousands of locations that administer the vaccine. So that means everyone who administers the vaccine is in on the conspiracy.
And then the idea of viewing the dose under a microscope, how exactly does that work? Would they have microscopes on the premises that a patient can use? And then what, after the healthcare worker fills the syringe with a dose, I guess they would squirt it out onto a slide so that the patient can view it, and then after the patient gives their approval they somehow put the contents back into the syringe so that they can inject it into their body. Any chance of contamination with that?
Sometimes I forget myself. Its really academic to me. For my Family, Community, etc. I do what I must. However, as I am frequently hearing both sides of political arguments (if you allow that certain issues are made political), I’ve often tried to find the middle ground, as it seems this country is bent on dividing into opposing camps and ripping each other apart, never mind the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, etc.
Unfortunately many people are either stuck on stupid; hamstrung by past injustices (the low vaccination rate among Blacks due to memories of the Tuskegee syphilis “study” causing a distrust of medicine); or those misinformed by the “vaccines cause autism” crowd which populated daytime talk TV for >20 years.
Here in the Detroit area the Tuskegee distrust is being addressed by Black leaders via a full court media press and it’s working.
Stupid is tougher.
Well knowing how the government bureaucracy works it’s probably a one size fit’s all mandate with no medical exceptions.
Am I cynical?
Damn right I am.
Dude on the internet says probably to easily verifiable information.
You are a troll.
Did you even bother to read the links? No. Buh bye.
Yes and I will believe it when I see it.
Will JSC exempt themselves?
Governor Abbott will probably deploy the Texas rangers to storm the gates and smash the vaccine vials.
Let the haters hate this is the right thing to do.
Everyone needs to take this! Its not just NASA, of course, but wouldn’t it be great if NASA people set the example for the rest of the government and the nation.
Sidebar, hyposprays really exist and if the vaccines had been DNA based instead of mRNA, they would have been required.
The obvious question is, other than those in high risk groups, why force people to be vaccinated? The argument seems to be to protect vaccinated people against the unvaccinated people but then what is the purpose of the vaccine? It would seem that the only purpose of the vaccine is to reduce the chance of death. When even those that have the vaccine can still catch it, this seems more like things a dictator does.
Our health care system is overwhelmed COVID patients, the vast majority of which are unvaccinated. If you are vaccinated and catch the virus, you do not get as sick and are very unlikely to need to be hospitalized. I know of people that need surgery, but have had it cancelled due to the fact that the hospitals are dealing with a large amount of COVID patients – this to the detriment of those with other health issues beyond COVID. And the virus is hitting others than just high risk groups. It is hitting our children — those under 12 who cannot get the vaccine yet. It is hitting healthy adults, who are dying from it or have long term health issues from it. Lastly, we all need to remember that to live in a free society, we have responsibilities to others living in that free society – in this case, it means getting the vaccine, not only to protect ourselves, but to protect others — particularly those most vulnerable.
right on.
>Our health care system is overwhelmed COVID patients,
Exactly. A paramedic mentioned they had to wait a long time outside the hospital until ER had space. I assume their patient was not tramatized as the medic van able to support. But it illustrates hospitals might not be available for all emergencies.
>the vast majority of which are unvaccinated
Some refuse but a documentary (PBS I think) showed many work job to job (low income, gig workers) simply don’t have time. One group set up a vaccination site next to some large place (Amazon or some other large place) and many got their shots during their 15 min breaks.
So how many in hospitals are covid related? How many are limited by being short staffed? How many in hospitals are not in high risk groups? How many in hospitals have already had the virus and have natural immunity? These are many things the media ignores in an effort to shape the narrative instead of reporting the facts. The government forcing people to be vaccinated will likely be counter-productive, leading to more workers leaving hospitals, let alone other businesses.
This is your last post here. All of your questions are answered in the thousands of news stories posted daily. Take your ignorant trolling elsewhere. And please get vaccinated and wear a mask. And do not take hose deworming medication whoever you do.
In answer to your first question see:
Please note that the death rate for COVID among 0 to 17 year olds is a
little more than double the death rate for the flu. If you move up to
the 28 to 29 group the death rates for COVID are 20 times higher for
COVID than the flu. And if you go to overall numbers, death is 64 times
more likely from COVID than the flu. AS for the question about other
risk factors. What’s your point? That some people should just be allowed
to die because it would inconvenience you or other objectors? In
response to your question regarding natural immunity I point you toward
this study. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/vo… which
shows that you are 2.37 time more likely to be reinfected compared to a
vaccinated individual. As for impacts of the lack of vaccination I point
you towards this story:
I can cite you similar reports from Florida and Texas as well as other
areas where vaccination rates were low thanks to human cupidity. People
without any CoVID problems are dying because unvaccinated patients have
filled medical facilities to capacity and beyond. Honestly what does it
take to get the simple message through that the American Health Care
system doesn’t have infinite medical capacity through and that we
desperately need people to do the responsible and intelligent thing and
just get the <bleep>ed vaccine. There are over 100,000 people
hospitalized with the disease as of yesterday and around 1,500 who died
yesterday, from a disease we can and should be stopping in it’s tracks.
Exactly how many people need to die or experience long term side effects
from this disease before you decide to act like an American and support
your fellow Americans, rather than play Darwinian logic? When, exactly
did we become a nation of every person for themselves and argue like
three year olds that “You can’t make me!”? When did we become so
unwilling to, literally, roll up our sleeves and take one small jab to
protect ourselves, our families, out neighbors, and our fellow
countrymen? When did we forget our motto “E Pluribus Unum” and become
islands of selfish three year olds?
The death rate for 0-17 year olds for COVID is 2x that of flu during the pandemic. However, for normal flu seasons flu is 2x as deadly as COVID. The last year saw a very, very low flu spread because children are the main spreaders of flu and schools were closed.
To minimize the spread, and reduce the symptoms of those who get breakthrough infections; well over 90% of those dying did not get the vaccine, and the vast majority of those who did get vaccinated don’t get seriously ill.
It’s even more important among those with comorbidities; elderly, overweight, chronic respiratory diseases, etc.
How many of those dying are not in high risk groups? How many dying had already had the virus and had natural immunity?
In Florida, the number of deaths to date for those 49 and younger is similar or less than the annual death rate of the flu (depends on which year and the covid data is more than a year). Including those up to age 59 is probably similar as well to the annual death rate caused by the flu.
The vaccines, especially the mRNA vaccines, reduce illness, admissions, and deaths in ALL groups.
Vaccines, all vaccines, are designed to minimize infections, but if a post vaccination infection does occur, vaccines reduce the consequences of the infection. The Covid vaccines are doing both jobs exceptionally well (we hear more about the post vaccination infections then the overwhelming successes). You vaccinate enough of a community and those that can’t be vaccinated (and that includes children right now ) are protected (circle the wagons, herd immunity like the buffalo do, etc.) Its a major group effort to protect ourselves and the group as a whole. There are many diseases that simply do not occur anymore thanks to vaccines. Its not about, “I will take my chances and who cares about anyone else” – not at all – so go get that vax!
And then, when fully vaxed, go volunteer at a mass vaccination site – the looks of joy on the patients and the gratitude expressed for simply being told where the line is or where the facilities are is indescribable.
Things a dictator does? You mean like mandate kids in public schools get vaccinations?
You people kill me with this ‘my liberty’ stuff over this. I’m old enough to have a smallpox vaccination scar and have taken the polio vaccination in a sugar cube. Vaccines work. Take the dang shot!
The only reason I am leaving your ignorant comments online is so that the other readers can education you and any other uninformed / misinformed people out there. You clearly pay zero attention to the detailed explanations as to how this vaccine works and what it does. FACT: over 98% of the people who now die from COVID are unvaccinated. The virus evolves and the vaccine is an imperfect countermeasure – but it all but eliminates the chance of death from COVID and most hospitalizations for those who get a breakthrough infection. The nature of this virus is that you can have it replicating in your nasal passages without causing illness for you and you can spread it without ever getting sick. That is why masks are needed.
No the obvious question is why would you want to pass the infection on to others when you can prevent it.
Vaccines work. Period. There is no room for argument on this; I urge people to get the shots and disregard all the anti-vaccine propaganda that have ruined lives, including people close to me. If you are against it; you are wrong and down-voting my post can’t change that. No one is taking away your freedoms or your individuality, nor your pride. My Wife’s cousin in the U.K. died from this evil disease last year and right now; someone else we know in the U.K. is struggling to breathe on a ventilator in a London hospital because of Delta.
If we want our lives to return to what passes for normal; we have to do the hard yards and the hard work to get there. Don’t give up anyone – we can get there – we will get there in the end.
I cannot fathom, for the life of me, how people can work for a scientific organization like NASA, and question the science behind masks, social distancing, and vaccines.
NASA employs a whole lot of people, and many of them have no background in science or engineering. They have security guards, people who do building maintenance, etc. And the scientists and engineers have blind spots. An excellent astronomer might be suspicious about the medical trials, because some fields of astronomy have standards of proof which simply aren’t possible for biology and medical trials. (I know a professor of chemistry who drove his doctors crazy when they diagnosed him with cancer and recommended a treatment. He wanted to see the journal articles on the treatment, so he could look over how well they handled the control groups, if there were any flaws in the methodology, etc.)
I have a vaccine joke…
…but some of you wont get it.
What i find hilarious is fox noise has it mandated in their organization and all the talking heads have gotten the shot .. they they go on every night preaching dont get the shot.
Fox News mandates employees disclose vaccination status, contradicting rhetoric from top stars
mother nature will take care of stupid .. it is funny how red countries get COVID twice as much as blue counties.. So they are helping their own demise as a voting block.
It’s FAR more complex that red vs blue.
Did you miss the part where heavily Democratic cities like Detroit have been struggling to get a vaccination rate over 40% until just recently? It’s still hovering around 50%. Distrust in the Black community because of medical misdeeds in the past; Tuskegee syphilis study, etc. Similar problems among Latinos, different medical misdeeds.
Up to 25% of the populace has trypanophobia, a fear of needles. Doing a blood draw makes some faint.
Depends upon the age group .. 65 – 74 is over 60%
50 years is over 50% it is not until to drop down into the younger generations does it start dropping. That is because from the start the oldest generations would be the most likely to die so they were getting the earliest vaxs.
This has been one of the most divisive issues I have ever seen. Ruined friendships. I side for the vaccine, but I have never seen anything like the hatred in both directions.